Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Grades 9-12

The Junior Science and Humanities Symposium invites students in Grades 9-12 to submit written reports of their original STEM research (experimental, field, observational, or applied) and deliver oral presentations to compete for awards and recognition.  January 14 is the date by which students must register and deliver an abstract and their teacher/mentors must also register.  Those selected for development of full research papers will be notified by February 1.  Research papers will be due February 12, and those selected for oral/poster presentations will be notified by March 4.  The Southern New England Junior Science and Humanities Symposium will be held at Boston University on March 18.  The program is sponsored by the U.S. Army Education Outreach Program and Boston University Office of STEM Initiatives.  For more information, please contact Michael Dennehy at 617-353-3551  or mdennehy@bu.edu.