Register ASAP for ‘Transportation YOU’ Mentoring Event for Girls 13-18, Nov. 18

WTS Boston will host a Volpe Center Simulator Tour and transportation career mentoring event for girls aged 13-18 on Tuesday, November 18, from 2:30PM to 5:30PM at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (55 Broadway, Cambridge).   This event is part of the Transportation YOU outreach program — a joint initiative of Women’s Transportation Seminar International and the U.S. Department of Transportation to inspire girls’ interest in transportation careers, provide mentorship, and encourage the taking of STEM courses as stepping stones to careers in transportation.  This event will include a hands-on tour of car, plane, and locomotive simulators followed by a speed-mentoring activity in which transportation professionals will speak to students about their experiences in the transportation industry and how they got to where they are today.  Participation is free, but spots are limited, so register ASAP (no later than November 13) by emailing