Category Archives: Virtual/Online

STEM Museums are Reopening …and Continuing Online

Boston-area STEM museums are beginning to reopen, following the COVID-19 safety protocols specified for Phase 3 of the state’s reopening plan, including timed ticketing increased cleaning and sanitation, one-way traffic flows for pedestrians, and reduced capacity. Online events and activities are continuing.

NSHS Science Team Mentors Middle-School Students

The Newton South HS Science Team — led by captains Frank Liu, David Kim, and Lucy Dutton — is starting an online mentorship program to introduce middle-school students to high-school science. Middle-school students will benefit by filling in gaps in their curriculum during the shutdown while also interacting with high-school students. Students can ask questions about science and high school and get to know Science Team members. The program aims to be introductory and preparatory, addressing the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and related topics. It is designed mainly for students who will be in Grade 9 at Newton high schools in the fall, but it’s open to anyone interested in science. Weekly sessions will be scheduled based on availability and demand. Interested parents should fill out this form to express interest and learn more.

NewtonHACKS: Hackathon for Beginner Programmers, Grades 6-12, Aug. 29

NewtonHACKS — an organization run by Newton high-school students — will host a free, online hackathon on August 29 for beginner programmers entering Grades 6-12. It’s an all-day event where participants get to collaborate and code to create projects, and this one is for beginners. The high-school student organizers plan to host a series of webinars before the event to help brand-new coders gain some experience. Interested students may register individually or in teams of 2 to 3. NewtonHACKS was started in part to promote gender equality in the tech industry, and it’s sponsored by Johnny’s Luncheonette and Millifluidica. For more information, see the FAQs or email

Asteroid Day: Celebrate Virtually with Christa McAuliffe Center, June 30

The Christa McAuliffe Center at Framingham State University will celebrate Asteroid Day on June 30 with at-home activities:

  • 9AM-3PM: Videos, websites, and other at-home activities for kids, including Make a Crater and Incoming!, a 25-minute film.
  • 3PM: The Hunt for Asteroids, live-streamed webinar for middle school and families, with Pat Monteith, author and NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador (Registration required).
  • 6PM: Planetary Defense 101: Discussion for high school and adults about the threat of an asteroid hitting the Earth, with Dr. Alissa Haddaji, Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Registration required).

Newton Community Ed: Online Summer Science & Technology Classes

Newton Community Education is offering week-long, online STEM classes for elementary, middle, and high school students. Classes include:

  • 3-D Game Development (Grades 9-12)
  • 3-D Printing, Coding, & Design (Grades 3-5, 6-9)
  • App Inventors (Grades 6-9)
  • Camp Invention: Live Online (Grades 1-6)
  • Chess Intensive Plus (Grades 3-6)
  • Circuitry 101 (Grades 1-4)
  • Game Creation (Grades 4-6, 7-9)
  • Hands-on Electronics (Grades 3-5)
  • Interactive Electronics (Grades 6-9)
  • Intro to Programming: Scratch (Grades 3-5)
  • Math Meets 3-D Printing (Grades 3-5)
  • MathemAddicts (Grades 5-9)
  • Minecraft Metropolis (Grades 3-6)
  • Minecraft Modding with Java (Grades 9-12)
  • Minecraft Mythicraft (Grades 2-5)
  • Nature in your Neighborhood (Grades 1-4)
  • Python Game Development (Grades 5-9)
  • Python Programming (Grades 9-12)
  • Science Scramble (Grades 1-4)
  • Space Lab (Grades 1-4)
  • Web Development (Grades 5-9)
  • Web Development: Javascript (Grades 9-12)
  • Wicked Cool Vet School (Grades 1-4)

Boston University: U-Design Virtual STEM Workshop, Grades 7-10, July 13-17

Boston University’s School of Engineering will offer a one-week, virtual U-Design summer engineering workshop for students entering Grades 7-10 to design and build gliders and also discuss topics in aerospace and astrophysics. This will be an online version of the popular U-Design Flight School program. This year, students will work together online, 10AM-Noon each day. with independent, off-line work on their own schedule. The cost is $200 per student, and a limited number of scholarships are available for those who qualify. Materials, including safety goggle and required tools,  will be mailed to students before the workshop starts. Registration is limited to 20 students. For further information, email Ann Mahoney at 617-320-5351 or

Artisan’s Asylum 2-Week Virtual Program for Grades 6-10: Build a Martian Colony

This summer Artisan’s Asylum, a 10-year-old makerspace in Somerville, is offering a two-week, immersive virtual program, Mission Control: Build a Martian Colony, for students entering Grades 6-10. The program will run in two sections, July 20-31 and August 10-21, with each running online 10AM-3PM, Monday through Friday. No prior experience is required, just an interest in engineering, robotics, and space exploration. The goal will be to solve engineering challenges and program robots to create safe structures for a team of three astronauts. A kit of materials will be provided for pickup or mailing. Students will learn about programming, robotics & engineering, hands-on building, and critical thinking/problem-solving. Pay what you can afford in the range of $300-$800 per student.