The Newton LigerBots high-school robotics team — spanning Newton North and Newton South High Schools — is recruiting new team members. All students in Grades 9-12 who are interested in STEM or business (including software, engineering, finance, public relations, fundraising, writing, photojournalism, videography, graphic design, and public speaking) are encouraged to learn more. Newton North students can meet the LigerBots at Club Day on September 18. LigerBots runs like a small business, and students gain real-world skills through project-based learning in many STEAM fields as they design and build a robot for the FIRST Robotics Competition. In the fall, meetings are 6-9PM on Thursdays at Newton South and Mondays at Newton North. In the winter “build” and competition season, meetings are more frequent. The team also seeks adult mentors, especially in the fields of web design and coding, mechanical engineering, and finance. For more information, email