Offer Middle-School ‘Zero Robotics’ Program this Summer: Apply by Apr. 15

The Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership invites public and private school and community-based organizations to sponsor MIT’s five-week summer Zero Robotics Program in their communities.  Zero Robotics is a robotics programming competition in which teams of 10-20 middle-school students learn to program satellites (SPHERES) inside the International Space Station (ISS) to solve an annual challenge.  After several phases of virtual competition, finalists are selected to compete in a live championship aboard the ISS.  There are two separate sessions:  June 13 – July 15 and July 5 – August 5.  Organizations must have computers and Internet access, must serve students for a minimum of 15 hours a week, and should complete applications and email them to Andrea Chang ( by April 15.  For more information, contact at Andrea at that address or call her at 617-338-0015 ext 105.