Code Ninjas in Wellesley: Open House Mar. 27, Hack-A-Thon Apr. 10

Code Ninjas (161 Linden Street in Wellesley) will host the following events:

  • 3rd Birthday Open House:  STEM activities, games, and more — free and open to the public. Learn how kids learn coding while building video games.  March 27, 1PM-3PM.
  • Spring Hack-A-Thon: Teams of two (either registered together or paired on-site) will have two hours to create a computer game. Kids in ages 5-7 will use ScratchJr, and kids in ages 8-14 will use Scratch. The event is free, and all participants are encouraged to donate a new item to The Home for Little Wanderers. April 10, 1PM-4:30PM.