Harvard Medical School’s MEDscience summer program for Grades 9-12 offers three different one-week programs following three different curricula:
- MEDscience@HMS (clinical): in-person, non-residential, on the medical-school campus, offered each week, June 13 through August 19.
- MEDscienceLAB (research based): in-person, non-residential, on the medical-school campus, offered each of the weeks beginning June 13, 27; July 11; and August 15.
- teleMED (online): offered virtually the weeks beginning June 13, 21, 27; July 5, August 1, 8, 15.
Scholarships are available for Boston-area residents, awarded based on student essays and teacher assessments. Register here. For more information, email hmsmedscience@hms.harvard.edu or call 617-432-7047.