Each spring, NEPTUN (a Northeastern University student group) hosts Splash!, a free program for students in Grades 9-12 to take fun and informative mini-classes led by Northeastern undergraduate students. This year, Splash! will be free and held virtually on April 3, 1PM-5PM. Registration is now open and is first-come/first-served and requires setting up a free student account. Separately, you can check out the Digital Splash! online offerings created from the content of previous Splash! courses. For more information, contact nu.neptun@gmail.com. Among the Splash! courses this year are these STEM offerings:
- It’s a Gut Feeling: Engineering and Hacking the Bacteria in Your Body
- Think like an Engineer
- The Limits of Infinity
- This is Your Brain on Drugs: Neuropsychopharmacology
- What really is sleep?
- Psychiatric and Neurological Disorder
- Science at Home Mashup II
- I’m Not a Morning Person: Chronobiology
- Epigenetics: Why everything you know about genetics is wrong
- Antibiotics and Vaccines
- The Cat Conspiracy and Other Mind-Bending Parasites
- What your High School teachers never told you about Chemistry