Local High-School Students Organize MAHacks Hackathon at MIT

mahacks2016Yesterday MAHacks sponsored a Local Hack Day at MIT’s Stata Center, organized by five high-school students — Aman of Needham and Anisha of Weston (in photo) along with Midori of Newton, Izzy of Weston, and Justin from Winchester — coached by Danielle Rusn of MIT’s CSAIL.  High school students from Andover, Quincy, Revere, Waltham, and other communities participated in the day that started early in the morning and ran until 10PM. Greer Swiston reports that as early as 9AM on a Saturday morning, the lecture hall was nearly full of high-school students listening to kickoff presentations about technology innovators who began their signature technology work when they were teenagers.  “The message was clear: You are never too young to change the world.  It just requires opportunity, time, and a lot of hard work.” What these high-school students — the organizers and all participants in the event — have accomplished is quite impressive. A larger hackathon is being planned for the spring.