Ingenious LigerBots Solve #FIRSTWorld[championship]Problem

Having qualified for the FIRST Robotics Competition’s World Championship in St. Louis just ten days before the event (April 22-25), the LigerBots confronted another problem:  How to get 47 award-winning teammates, coaches, and mentors — plus 1 robot and assorted equipment — to St. Louis, with absolutely no buses available from the companies approved by Newton Public Schools?  A week of meetings, brainstorming, lobbying, and collaboration with NPS led to a solution:  A caravan of five mini-vans, two cars, plus two trailers hauling 2000 lbs. of gear — driven by parents/coaches/mentors for the 2400-mile round-trip — while some others will make the trip by air.  Yet another example of the LigerBots’ gracious professionalism and coopertition:  The LigerBots are helping another Boston-area team by transporting some large equipment for them.  Here’s how you can participate: