NOAA Professional Development Workshop at New England Aquarium: Ocean Exploration, Oct. 25

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research will host Why Do We Explore?, the first of a two-part professional-development workshop for Grade 5-12 educators to learn about the work of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, the first Federal ship dedicated to ocean exploration.  Participants will learn how to use standards-based lessons and other online resources to guide classroom inquiries into reasons for ocean exploration including Climate Change, Energy, Ocean Health and Human Health.  This first workshop will be held on Saturday, October 25 from 8AM to 4PM at the New England Aquarium.  The second part will be held in the spring.  The cost is free, with $100 stipend for those attending both parts.  Space is limited.  Register by October 3 by contacting Tania Slywynskyj at the New England Aquarium (617.226.2259 or

Participants completing Part 1 will receive Volume 1 of the Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection, Why Do We Explore?, other resources, a NOAA Ocean Exploration Certificate of Participation, continental breakfast and lunch.